Monday, November 5, 2012

There and Back Again

This past weekend (Oct. 28-29) we made a last minute decision to go up to NW Arkansas for a friend's wedding. We left at 2:40 Sunday morning to get to the wedding on time which was at 2pm and then left about 8:30 Monday morning and arrived home about 6:45pm.  We made pretty good time and arrived at the wedding 50 minutes early! We even had time to stop to change into our wedding clothes!

This is the building where the bridal party got ready. The wedding was outside.
The weather was beautiful! Cool and crisp with a breeze now and then.
Here they come! The bride and her father are in the middle of the group. You can't see them very well in this picture.
The bride and groom.

Their first kiss!

Mr. and Mrs. Rob Tull!

A hearty send-off with LOTS of popcorn!
Me with three of my dear friends! This was the first time we were all together at one time since our 15th birthday! Now two of us are married and have our first baby!
We are all within a month of each other age-wise.

James and Sydney
We stayed with some friends on Sunday night. They have a little girl two months older than James. (Her mom, Haley, is the one holding her in the picture above)

We are very glad that we made the trip to see our friend Kaeleigh get married!

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