Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Camping - Fun, Fun, Fun!

The weekend of October 12th we went on a camping trip to Pedernales Falls State Park just West of Austin. It was an enjoyable weekend marveling at God's creation and fellowshipping with friends and family.
The days were warm, and we did have some heavy rain in the middle of the night Saturday,  but we stayed dry. Hooray for big plastic tarps!

James did great on the trip! He loved being outdoors, and he really liked the camp fires! Just like his Father! :-)

Packed and ready to load the van!

On the road! James passing the time. :-)

We brought his Johnny Jump-up (which he LOVES) ans it was a good thing we did! It served as an extra place to put him aside from being held.

At the overlook to the falls. It was really low this year so it was more of a cascade than a fall.

James really liked the backpack! 

Checking out the water.

The scenery was beautiful! Here is a cave with a large boulder stuck in it!

A stick holding up the rocks. ;-)

Enjoying the views!

James ended taking his morning nap. He gradually was getting hunched down in the carrier as we walked and climbed. He's just starting to wake up in this picture taken between the carrier and John's back.

A big boulder to climb!

James checking out a puddle.

I climbed through a small cave and climbed out the other end.

On our drive home, we saw a rainbow!
Look closely - It's there just above the cloud!

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