Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

" I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;[b]
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well."
Psalm 139:14

Today was our first midwife appointment. It went well. Baby and I got a good bill of health from the midwife, and everything is going well. I am ten weeks along now.

One really exciting thing about this visit is that John and I were able to hear the baby's heartbeat! It was such an amazing thing! I have heard the heartbeat of the babies that my mom carried, and as exciting as that was to hear, there is nothing like hearing the heartbeat of our own child!

I have been reading in various books on the development of the baby, and it's amazing how much of the baby is already formed (finger, toes, organs, etc), the baby is moving around (I haven't felt the baby for sure yet), and that the baby is only about 1 1/3-1/2 inches long from crown to rump! Still so small! :-)

God's creation is truly amazing!

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! that's Amazing!!!! I'm SO happy for you guys!!
    Oh yeah, Jaden got his first black eye today! he's okay, he was just playing too ruff. =) God bless you!!

    ~Caley <3
