Friday, July 22, 2011

Family Math


John and I are expecting our first baby! As of the writing of this post, I am about 6 1/2 weeks along and due in mid March! So far the pregnancy has been really easy (little to no morning sickness and just mostly hungry and tired). We have the first initial midwife appointment on Monday afternoon.
Prayers for a safe pregnancy and a strong and healthy baby are very much appreciated.

"Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them;
They shall not be ashamed, but shall speak with their enemies in the gate."
Psalm 127:3-5


  1. Praise God, congratulations! I'm very excited for you guys!

  2. A blessed life indeed! We are SO very happy for you all! You will be in our prayers. May this be the first of many, many blessings! With love, The Armours : )

  3. Praise be to God Almighty! He ALONE is the giver and sustainer of life! I am so excited to see that y'all are, by God's grace, beginning to enlarge your family so early in your marriage! Children are indeed a blessing. God be praised!!!!!

    Soli Deo Gloria! Love,

